Sunday, March 30, 2008

Disabled protest in Paris for increased aid

More than 16,000 disabled people, many in wheelchairs, protested in Paris on Saturday to press for increased government aid.

Up to 100 organizations around France joined together to demand a pension equivalent to the minimum wage, €1,280 (US$2,010). The disabled currently receive less than half that, €628 (US$986).

Protesters came to Paris by train, bus or specially equipped vehicles to march on the city's Right Bank. A delegation later delivered a petition supported by tens of thousands to President Nicolas Sarkozy.

The French "imagine that everything is done in this country for the handicapped, (but) it's not true," said Jean-Marie Barbier, head of the Association of the Paralyzed of France.

A second protest march Saturday of retirees angry over an additional year being added to social security payments, to make it 41 years to receive a full pension, drew less than 5,000 people.

The Associated Press

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