Thursday, April 16, 2009

Iowa bill requires disabled housing registration

An Iowa House committee on Tuesday approved a measure that would require registration for houses that shelter disabled workers.

The measure is in response to a dilapidated house in Atalissa where 21 mentally disabled Texas men lived while they worked at a nearby turkey processing plant operated by Texas-based Henry's Turkey Service.

The package was recommended by a task force created by Gov. Chet Culver after the men were found living in the run-down house.

Under the measure approved by the committee, other facilities would have to register with the state and subject to inspection.

Officials said the measure will give them a better handle on the number of facilities in the state and who is being housed in them.

"Does it solve all of the problems and close all of the gaps? No," said Rep. Vicky Lensing, D-Iowa City, head of the House Oversight Committee. "This is a first step."

The measure must still be approved by the House Appropriations Committee.

Though the Legislature is getting close to ending this year's session, the measure is likely to emerge because of the discovery of the disabled workers living at the house in eastern Iowa.

The men were employed since the 1970s by Henry's Turkey Service, which contracted for them to work at the meatpacker. They lived in a boarded-up house with only space heaters until a call to a state abuse hot line prompted an investigation and decision by the state to close the house in February and move the men to centers in Waterloo.

Allegations have since surfaced that the men saw little of their earnings and that most had almost no savings despite years of work.

John McCalley, director of the Department of Elder Affairs and chairman of the task force, told the committee that the package takes a series of steps to begin dealing with the issue.

"This bill represents a delicate balancing act," McCalley said.

Other recommended steps in the measure include:

_ Department of Human Services officials conducting assessments of conditions at the facilities.

_ Creating a multi-agency team that would oversee the care and treatment of dependent adults in the state.

_ Tighter scrutiny of special permits that are issued allowing workers with disabilities to take jobs.

Critics said the measure approved Tuesday would do little in the face of a bureaucracy that didn't rise to the occasion.

"For 34 years, 22 agencies have dropped the ball and now we're reacting," said Rep. Clel Baudler, R-Greenfield.

Similar legislation is moving through the Senate, and a criminal investigation in the case is continuing.

Source: Associated Press

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How does receiving Disability affect my Social Security benefits later in life?

Question from: Suzjoy

I started getting Disability in my 50s, and am now 61. I receive just Disability (not SSI), and am wondering what happens at age 65? Do I start receiving regular SS, and does it end earlier than if I hadnever gotten Disability?? Thanks.

Answer from : Little78

If you are receiving Social Security disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, those benefits will be converted to retirement benefits.

To add to the above answer, there is no "ending" to Social Security. You get it as long as you live.

Source: Yahoo Answers

What steps does it take to qualify for disability from the state because of anxiety and depression?

Question from: Mel

I'm on my second leave of absence in the past year....I've worked maybe 3 months in the past year. The disability payments from work will only last so long and I'm not sure if I can go back to work at all after that....everytime I think about it...I get sick (nausea, vomiting, pounding heart, and crying). I know that my employers think that I'm lying which of course makes it worse and I think actually led me wind up going on sick leave the second time. I'm frustrated because I am used to taking care of myself and my kids, but now I feel helpless. All this worrying is not good for me and I know it, but as we all know money makes the world go round and without it we're lost. I feel like I'm turning into a recluse and that's very scary, especially since I have kids...the youngest of which, has no relationship with her of course he's no help at all. I have suffered from anxiety my entire life, but it's gotten progressively worse over the past 10 years.

I'm not looking for a hand-out...I'm looking for help. If I can't out of bed to go to work...what am I supposed to do. Perhaps you think suicide would be a better option...wouldn't want to be a problem for you or society.

Of course I've tried doctors and medication...eventually they stop working and when they do work it's not perfect, otherwise I would be at work.

Your very ignorant to think I want a hand out...I'd rather be working...making a real check like I always have in the past. Yeah I'm real happy since I can't hoo free time to sit at home and be miserable, with no one who understands. I sit at home every day...I'm not out partying, meeting with friends or having any fun at all....I'm sick, not lazy. People always invite me out, but they don't get anxiety has me like a prisoner in my own body. I wonder when it will end or just be as bad it was least I could still function.
You can judge me if you like, but I just wanted some help

Answer from: Zen

Please don't give up! Are you on antidepressents? If you are, theyr'e not the right ones for you! I waited till I was in my late forties to even go see a doctor, only then because my days had become so dark, I literally wanted to die rather than live this way. I was so anxious at times, I wanted to drink and just stay in the house with the blinds closed. I had to work, but just the drive had me fighting panic attacks the whole way there. I became so neurotic that I started counting things,.OCD. I lost weight, wanted to sleep all day, couldn't stay asleep at night. I trid meditation, self-help books and tapes, herbal vitamins, shots of Nyquil, u-name-it! I could tell you getting paranoid at bank & stores, leaving a full grocery cart behind. I had an attack years ago in an intersection in left lane, sooooo..I avoided most ALL left hand turns. I cried, got mad, withdrew, didn't find pleasure in ANYTHING!!!!!.....Then, there came a little med called Paxil. I tried two or three other ones, but they didn't work as well. 6 months later, I have NO panic attacks, my depressed moments are just normal moments. I don't count everything in sight...and I hated math!!!! I rarely cry and haven't thrown a dish across the room in months. You may need a little xanax until the meds "kick in", which takes a couple weeks...But, you'll be so glad you did!!!!!!!!!!ps..u can always e mail me! Hugs to you! oooooooooo oh, And I also considered looking into dissability as the last resort!

Last note from: Mel

Thanks so much for the support. I'm feeling a little better today. I'll see my doc on Tuesday, hopefully we can figure something else out. By the way, I been through most of the things you've been through. It's funny we always feel alone and so many of us are going through the same things.

Source: Yahoo Answers